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Thursday, 3 October 2013

Software Utilities

-• Ping is used to test if a destination host is reachable.

• Netstat is an important network utility that can be
used to verify active TCP connections.
• Netstat lists the protocol in use, the local address
and port number, the foreign address and port
number, and the state of the connection


• Ipconfig is used to display the current IP
configuration information for a host.
• Display the basic configuration information
including: IP address, subnet mask and default


• Tracert utility provides connectivity information
about the path a packet takes to reach the
destination and about every router (hop) along the
• Tracert can help identify where a packet may have been lost or delayed due to bottlenecks or
slowdowns in the network.


• nslookup utility allows an end-user to look up
information about a particular DNS name in the DNS server

PuTTy/Tera Term
When connecting to a variety of different types of equipment, a telnet, SSH or serial client is required; when this is required both the puTTY and Tera Term programs are able to provide thesefunctionalities.

-Subnet and IP Calculator
One of the most important tools in the belt of a junior network engineer is an IP network calculator. These can be used to unsure a correct IP address selection and with this a correct IP address configuration. While this type of tool is used by senior level network engineers, much of the information obtained from the tool becomes simpler to calculate the longer and more experience you have in the field. 


In an effort to take advantage of the benefits of both the ping and tracert/traceroute commands, the pathping and mtr utilities were developed. Both of these tools take the functionality and information that can be obtained from these types of tools and provide a more detailed single picture of the path characteristics from a specific host to a specific destination.

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